
沃拉沃拉大学 is here to help you achieve them.

在WWU you can chase the goals you set for yourself. You'll probably even chase goals you didn't even know you had, 发现机会, 制定计划, and discerning God’s guidance in your life as you go.

Your classes will train you with the knowledge and skills to pursue your purpose. ASWWU, your student association, will provide real-world opportunities to practice those skills. The 学生发展中心 will connect you with internships, 求职准备, 以及澳门线上博彩官网广泛的校友网络. Our Christian community of professors and mentors will help guide you through the obstacles, 无论你的信仰背景如何, 这样你就准备好了. You'll be prepared and equipped to chase those goals out in the world beyond college.


There's a place waiting for you here at 沃拉沃拉大学. A place of preparation, discovery, and purpose.


Not only that, you'll 爱 living here.

沃拉沃拉大学 is not just your research lab, it’s your outdoor paradise. The Pacific Northwest houses some of the greatest natural wonders of the world. It has also long attracted independent, motivated, and ambitious people like you. The kind of people who launched startups like Boeing, 诺德斯特姆, 星巴克, 亚马逊, 微软, Zappos... 你们懂的. 干净利落地, 绿色的天堂, our students enjoy proximity to both urban and remote adventure landscapes. See what kind of things there are to do near campus when you’re not studying.

All great stories must begin somewhere.

Ours begins where the air is clear and where ideas, energy, and people do life together. Whether you want to start your own podcast, 为自己的设计申请专利, 或者自己开一家诊所, 你会找到一个热情的人, diverse community here at 沃拉沃拉大学. We're ready to do this thing with you and prepare you for your launch. 


Three students take a selfie while holding ice cream cones in downtown Walla Walla
一个学生在雪中跳跃. 他穿着一件黄色的夹克.
Photo of students sitting on rocks in nature underneath some trees

So, what does the college experience at WWU look like? 


Collaborate with world-class faculty at a fully-accredited university to expand your thinking and experience life-changing ideas that will inspire you to live the life you imagine. Learn in the context of faith from faculty who will prepare you to speak intelligently from a Christian perspective in a secularized world.


We provide access to countless opportunities for experiential learning and career development including internships, 合作社, 领导校内和校外, 社区服务, 和更多的, giving our graduates a platform to launch into a successful and fulfilling career.


You’ll find a faith family at WWU where you can grow in your spiritual walk. You’ll experience genuine community and interactions with others who are on a similar Christian journey. Our mission is to magnify the 爱 of Jesus in our hearts, on our campus, and to our world.


Practicing kindness is part of the culture at WWU. 学生 at WWU volunteer for organizations such as the Blue Mountain Humane Society, the Christian Aid Center Rescue 任务, 和国际特赦组织. 在WWU, you will find opportunities to use your unique skills and abilities in service to the community around you, 本地和全球. 


你在校园里是怎么生活的, 你在哪里吃饭, 你锻炼的地方, 你如何度过你的空闲时间, is integral to your happiness and success in college. WWU supports you as a whole person through a range of on-campus services designed specifically to help you succeed. 来自校内项目, 去健身中心, 免费提供校内咨询服务, 支持就在你的指尖. 

you'll belong to an incredible community like one you've never experienced before.

ASWWU (the Associated 学生 of 沃拉沃拉大学) 是高度活跃的, 有组织的, and vibrant community that works to improve the lives of all WWU students. ASWWU operates 10 departments and is the largest employer of students on campus. Working for ASWWU can help you gain experience and develop skills, 比如项目管理, 活动策划, 和筹款, 这会让你的简历更加出色. You can also stretch and strengthen your leadership skills by running for an ASWWU office or by joining ASWWU Senate, the legislative branch of the student association.


You probably already know that a 沃拉沃拉大学 Christian education is a great investment, perhaps the most important one you'll ever make. But there’s one thing you may not know: how to make it happen. That’s why we’re here, to guide you through the process and help you every step of the way. 有了上帝,一切皆有可能. 让澳门线上博彩官网来告诉你怎么做. 


澳门线上博彩官网是来帮忙的! We 回答你的问题.



